Punk 57 with Nicky Urban!

Oh this isn’t your “Danny and Sandy” high school romance. Trade in your jazz hands for the RAW EMOTION that is LOVE between two teenagers. Who are SO DEEP. And who are way more mature than your 30-something host. Comedian Nicky Urban joins the show to review the high school (bully!) romance Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas. ($3.99).

Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, and other platforms!

Becky’s synopsis of Punk 57:

He was a boy.

She was a girl.

Can I make it any more obvious?


Pen-pals were they,

Since fifth grade

What more can I say?


He wanted her

She’d never tell

Secretly she wanted him as well.


But when they met face-to-face

He thought she was mean

Which only added to her low self-esteem.


He was a faker boy.

She was like,  “I want you, boy”

But he’s keeping his real identity from her.


But she’s been fake too.

So can love really pull through?

Can things EVER be what they were?


Punk 57 By Penelope Douglas:

-       ebook

-       paperback

Subreddit on Bully Romance

Nicky Urban’s show Surprise Bitch

Too Stupid to Live is part of the Frolic Podcast Network.